The Children's Museum
To create extraordinary learning experiences across the arts, sciences and humanities that have the power to transform the lives of children and families.
It is our vision to be recognized as the global leader among all museums and cultural institutions serving children and families.
Core Values
We Believe In Preserving The Legacy Of The Museum By/Through:
Promoting Family Learning:
Creating transformational extraordinary family learning experiences across the sciences, arts and humanities that promote family engagement through the use of real objects, immersive environments, and live interpretation.
Meeting the learning needs and interests of children and families to nurture hands-on, minds-on experiences.
Supporting PreK-16 education by serving as a valued resource for schools, teachers, and teacher training institutions.
Developing and leveraging the museum’s brand to retain and grow new audiences and connect and nurture all visitors beyond the museum visit.
Providing Value to Our Community, State, Nation and the World:
Being a catalyst for neighborhood revitalization, stability, and community engagement.
Seeking and collaborating with other institutions and organizations locally, regionally, nationally and globally to create dynamic partnerships which leverage the positive impact of our museum.
Providing a safe, clean, friendly, fun, efficient and engaging visitor experience that is affordable and accessible.
Being good stewards of our human and financial resources, recognizing our staff and volunteers are our principle human resources and our endowment is our principal economic engine, and being transparent in how we use our resources.
Investing and participating in an environmentally sustainable museum and campus.
Valuing People:
Investing in the development, care and nurturing of our diverse and highly skilled staff, volunteers and museum Guild.
Promoting diversity and inclusion among our staff, volunteers, the audiences that we serve, the programs we produce and the relationships that we pursue.
An engaged board of trustees committed to providing strategic and extraordinary time, talent and treasure.
Pursuing Excellence Always:
Investing in research, development and technology to remain relevant and to help us ensure we meet our strategic goals and objectives.
Using data to measure our performance and mission, learn about our audiences, and inform our decision-making.
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